Perfect Weight For Your Health


Waist to hip ratio

 This is a measure of how much fat the body stores in the lower body, including the waist, hips, and buttocks. This measure can be made at home by standing and breathing normally. , Measuring the waist circumference by measuring the smallest part of the abdomen using the measuring tape, then measuring the bulk of the hips and buttocks, then dividing the waist circumference on the hip circumference, the result should be 0.85 women or less, men should be 0.9 or less, and If the percentage is greater than 1 for both sexes, it is a warning that the disease will occur
 Health frameworks, such as heart disease. [1]

 Body mass index (BMI) is the body weight, and most health organizations around the world agree that people with BMI have: [2]
Less than 18.5, they are underweight.
Between 18.5 to 25, they are the ideal weight holders.
Between 25 and 30, they are overweight.

tags: Ideal Weight Calculator,Weigh For My Height and Age,Ideal Height and Weight Chart,the perfect weight for my height and age,ideal weight calculator for females,calculate your ideal weight,ideal weight kg cm,ideal body weight formula,
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